A longing for the forest
Forest bathing
Walk through the forest. Pause together with nature. Observe stress melt into thin air.

Forest bathing in the three valleys

The forest and you

Just stand there and absorb the details: the dark green of the countless firs and grooves in the ancient, bumpy tree trunks. The chirping of the birds. Metre-high spruces, their crowns shining bright green in the sunlight. In between, the well-trodden path...

A proven anti-stress therapy in the middle of nature. Forest bathing has proven positive effects on your body, nervous system, psyche, and immune system. Go on a journey to the forest and discover yourself together with a coach. Just a few hours are enough, and you will feel as refreshed as after a short holiday!

Mindful breathing
When you’re forest bathing, remember to breathe calmly and deeply; it relaxes your body and gives you a wonderful lungful of clean forest air. Oxygen, as we know, is produced through photosynthesis and is particularly pure in the countryside. This clean air is good for your body and boosts your happiness hormones no end.
Take time for yourself
The full power of forest bathing is not something you feel in the first few minutes; it takes at least one hour for body and soul to soak up all the benefits of nature. This doesn’t mean walking a long distance, but allowing the essence of nature to pervade you through and through. Challenging walks could actually increase your stress levels. It’s far better to take a pleasant wander and stop off for a rest in a nice spot.
Reading a book in the woods has a meditative effect.
Plan your relaxation stages
To make your forest bathing experience as undemanding as possible, you should plan in a few relaxation stages. If your walk is too challenging, you can sit down on a tree stump for a rest as you breathe mindfully and become aware of the various smells surrounding you.
You can also combine your forest bathing session with meditation. Even just walking through the wood can be meditative. If you focus on your breathing while walking, you can bring these two aspects of meditation together. If you want, you can take a book with you and read while you’re relaxing. This is also meditation. The important thing is that you slow your thoughts and focus your attention on one specific thing.